
Simplify Css in react: A Guide to Effective Component-Specific Styling

Introduction When you start your web development journey things seems pretty straightforward as when building a page – structure with HTML, style with CSS, and add functionality with JavaScript. However, as you transition from vanilla CSS and simple components to front-end libraries like React and other frameworks, the simplicity begins to fade. The frustration grows

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Easy guide to Vanilla Css vs CSS frameworks dilemma

When you are in the early learning stage of web development, especially when delving into the intricacies of CSS, can be a daunting task. The frustration of centering a div or creating responsive product cards often leads beginners to seek quick solutions like CSS frameworks such as Tailwind, Bootstrap, or Material UI. These frameworks offer

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Responsive CSS Mastery: A Practical Approach to Em and Rem Units Implementation

Introduction Nowadays, when you build a website, you also have to keep in mind that the website should be responsive to all the screen sizes that the majority of people use. As more than half of the internet users surf the web on mobile devices, you have to ensure that your website looks good on

Responsive CSS Mastery: A Practical Approach to Em and Rem Units Implementation Read More »