Simplify Css in react: A Guide to Effective Component-Specific Styling


When you start your web development journey things seems pretty straightforward as when building a page – structure with HTML, style with CSS, and add functionality with JavaScript. However, as you transition from vanilla CSS and simple components to front-end libraries like React and other frameworks, the simplicity begins to fade. The frustration grows as you encounter gazillion(numerous) approaches for what seems like a basic task. And you start to think shouldn’t there be a more streamlined and universal way to handle styling?

Well, When it comes to styling components in React, you’re presented with a plethora of options, each favored by different developers based on their preferences. Yet, there are two popular methods which are adapted while scaling their web app, two primary methods stand out:

  1. Component-specific styling
  2. Css modules styles

Let’s delve into the world of component-specific styling, starting with its implementation. Using the example of a navbar as a React component, we’ll explore how to effectively apply this approach.”

Component specific styling

You don’t need to learn anything new if you know basic css styling to start using this method. Whenever you create a component you just need to create a css file with the .js file. i.e if you create a component folder named “navbar” you will create Navbar.js and also NavbarStyles.css file in the navbar folder. And then import the NavbarStyles.css file to Navbar.js. It’s that simple and you can start styling in your component. Let’s talk it in more detail.

FIRST SETUP REACT APP IN YOUR PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT USING TERMINAL IN VSCODE OR ANY OTHER IDE, you can refer to the article below if you want to setup React with vite and also install tailwind. this setup will only take less than 1 minute.

Vite is an react installation tools which fasten the process and you can use tailwind to apply common styles to all pages.

After setting up react you can start =

Step 1: Organize Your Project Structure

  1. In the src folder, create a components folder.
  2. Inside components, create a folder for each component (e.g., Navbar).
  3. Inside the component folder, have separate files for the component and create these two files (e.g., Navbar.js) and its styles (NavbarStyles.css).

Step 2: Styling a Component

Import the CSS style file into the component file, then structure and style your component. For example, let’s consider styling a Navbar component.

// Navbar.js file
import React from 'react';
import './NavbarStyles.css';

const Navbar = () => {
    // Component logic and structure

export default Navbar;

css file code
/* NavbarStyles.css */
/* Add your component-specific styles here */

Why choose specific component styling over others

Well i can give you so many arguments in the favor of this method of styling but i’ll only say this one Because IT’S SIMPLE and easy.

When scalability is crucial, and global styling(app.css and mainly index.css is used to apply global styling to all the pages in your web. as all your styling properties are written in one file that is why it is called global styling) becomes difficult to maintain and update, component-specific styling shines. This approach offers several benefits:

  1. Isolation: When Styles are contained within individual component style sheets, it minimizing conflicts with other component style sheets.
  2. Scalability: Manage and scale your project more effectively as styles remain compartmentalized. As it also reduces the loading speed which heavy global style sheets fails to provide.
  3. Readability: Developers can quickly grasp and modify styles related to a specific component without navigating a large global style sheet.
  4. Tailwind CSS: When incorporating Tailwind in your .js document, leverage its capabilities to enhance the accessibility of your styles. While using Tailwind to style a component, resorting to vanilla CSS often involves relying on global stylesheets. This, however, can lead to challenges in locating or modifying styles, as global stylesheets tend to accumulate extensive code. Opting for component-specific stylesheets provides a streamlined solution, facilitating effortless discovery and updates for your component styles.

Similar to other methods, this approach has its set of limitations; however, these limitations are straightforward to handle and do not demand extensive tooling or the installation of additional packages.

Addressing Challenges

Component-specific styling introduces challenges like potential duplication and consistency concerns:

  • Duplication Potential:
    • If multiple components share similar styles, there may be duplication of style definitions across different component stylesheets, increasing file sizes and maintenance overhead.
  • Consistency Challenges:
    • Ensuring a consistent look and feel across the entire application can be challenging. Without a global stylesheet, maintaining consistency might require extra effort, particularly for styling patterns or themes applied across multiple components.

To illustrate, imagine multiple components needing a consistent color scheme or typography. In a global stylesheet, you can define these styles once, ensuring uniformity. However, with a component-specific stylesheet approach, you might duplicate these styles in each component’s stylesheet, potentially leading to inconsistency if styles are updated in one component but not in others.

However, tackling these is straightforward through adopting good practices. For instance, you can use Tailwind for basic styling and seamlessly switch to a component-specific stylesheet for more intricate styles. This not only trims down unnecessary code but also facilitates easy modifications to specific components, making it easier to locate and tweak styles compared to navigating through a global stylesheet.

That being said, these challenges can be mitigated with good practices:

To overcome these challenges:

  • Reuse Styles: Define common styles or use Tailwind utility classes and apply them across components to avoid repeating the same styles.
  • Theming: Consider creating a consistent theming system, even within a component-specific approach, to keep shared styles organized.
  • CSS Preprocessors: Think about using CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less. They help organize styles efficiently by using variables and mixins, reducing repetition.
  • Documentation: Make sure to document your styling choices and guidelines, especially if you’re going with a component-specific approach. This makes it easier to keep things consistent as your project grows.

By following these practices, you can take full advantage of component-specific styling while maintaining a well-organized and easily manageable codebase.


In conclusion, the decision of styling React components involves making informed choices that balance scalability, readability, and maintainability. Component-specific styling stands out as a practical approach, offering isolation, scalability, and enhanced readability. By adopting best practices, you can navigate the challenges and create a robust styling foundation for your React projects.

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